In Craig Lindvahl's book, "Things I Wished I Knew Yesterday", one of the first chapters states how life is not a straight line. This is one of the important lessons as many people think I will graduate high school and do this, this and this. Tyler Bush can attest that life doesn't work that way. Tyler introduces himself as a college dropout who through hard work, great mentors and connections has navigated his life to the path of success. Tyler started out at a corporate bank at an entry level position, moved his way up and was offered a job at a hometown bank location. Tyler thought he was at his forever job when an opportunity became available while on vacation with friends to become a wealth advisor. Tyler shared that the equation to success is curiosity+ drive. Tyler spoke about looking at your competitors and see what they do well and emulate it. Treat people right, be honest, have integrity, and work hard and success will come. Thank you Tyler for the motivational and inspirational morning.

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