Hermella Suda

About Me

Hello everyone, my name is Hermella Suda. I am a senior and do full-time PSEO's through Minnesota West in Pipestone. I have a large family with four brothers and four sisters. I currently work as a CNA at Edgebrook Care Center and love my job. I am competitive and enjoy almost every sport. Some of my favorite activities are reading, hiking, and fishing. I am excited for CEO this year and for all the opportunities it will provide. I know I will meet many wise, organized, and successful people through this program. I want to grow and become a better leader and believe the people I meet will help me reach this goal.







DISC Characteristics

  • You are very resourceful and can adapt quickly and easily
  • You can be extremely persuasive.
  • When you need to, you can be flexible to change or new ideas
  • You prefer varied activities, never a dull moment